The Most Luxurious Wedding Party In The Early 21th Century
The royal wedding was not just a Royal family of United Kingdom's party. It was becoming an event that watched by world’s public, even the Royal Wedding has estimated by a number s of mass media in Europe would be most luxurious wedding party during this century. More than 10,000 journalist and thousands mass media have posted in front of the Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace to report the wedding process of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Sweet and Romantic. Probably, those are two words that convenient to describe the atmosphere of the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate(29/4). The wedding process that waited by millions of world’s public was not just going along smoothly, but also very gorgeous and wonderful. More than half an million the public crowded thye Hyde Park of the Knights-Bridge area, London. The wedding also presented “LIVE” by hundreds TV stations all over the world. It estimated approximately two billions of TV audiences watched the wedding party which invited 1,900 invited guests from various elected circles, such as high-ranking officials of local and other countries, celebrities, politician, and many others the upper circles of society.

The Legal Heir of the United Kingdom’s throne, Prince “William” Arthur Phillip Louis, bound the agreement(marriage vow) with Catherine “Kate” Middleton. The Royal Wedding the early 21th century, was the biggest wedding event, exceeded the wedding of Prince Charless and Lady Diana in 1981(Precisely, on the 20 years ago). The Royal Wedding was also earned quintillions rupiahs from souvenirs selling and tourism, which assisted UK’s economical significantly. The souvenirs selling has calculated contribute to UK’s earning in the amount of 14.17 quintillions rupiahs. Absolutely, that was a good news for United Kingdom that recently ran into economics recission. The tradition of selling souvenirs legally has exist since the wedding of Prince Charless and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981, and the same souvenirs was also released on the wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson in 1986.

At the wedding ceremony(before the ceremony started), Prince William came in into the Westminster Abbey firstly with a uniform of Irish Guard that has scarlet color. He looks charming and accompanied by his brother, Prince Harry, that wore uniform of Household Cavalry Captain. Come afterward, Kate Middleton appeared in front door of the church with a simple elegant white gown ”mysterious gown” with long enough train trailed behind. The wedding dress was designed by Alexander McQueen, that confidentially before. She came with accompanied by her father Michael Middleton. The 29 years old woman look so elegant, rilex, and very happy. Slowly, she was step forward so confident along the red carpet to the Altar, untill she stood up beside Prince William. “You looks very beautifull” Prince William whispered when he saw Kate Middleton closely beside hime.The ceremony was led by Archbishop, Canterbury Rowan William, and finally Prince William pinned the wedding ring made of scarce Welsh gold from Queen Elizabeth to kate’s ring finger.
At most, the wedding ceremony ran on along smoothly untill Prince William and Kate Middleton went in procession toward the Buckingham Palace by using the State-Landau carriage made in 1902. Afterwards, all of public’s attentions were directed to the balcony of the Buckingham Palace, where Prince William will have kissed Kate for the first time as married couple. Then, the surprised was not end yet there. After the balcony wedding double kisses, Prince William invited Kate to greet each other by using car Aston Martin Convertible, Prince Charles’ own.
The Prime Minister of United Kingdom, David Cameron was stated that, “I guess the public of all over the world have watched this wedding as a historic momment. They watched the best from United Kingdom and we tried to do that as well as possible” as the distibuting of Associated press.
Meanwhile, after Prince William ended the remain unmarried(got married with Kate Middleton), Queen Elizabeth II confered on him with titled “Duke of Cambridge”. Duke is the highest title among another titles that given by the Queen. By it self, finally now Kate Middleton also has a title as “Duchess of Cambridge”. Then, Prince William was also granted(entitled) two others titles. Those are “Earl of Strahearn” and Baron Carrickfergus”.
Eventhough, the event was opened for hundreds TV stations and other mass media to report the news coverage of the Royal Wedding. There are some momments that covered for public. Those are when Prince William and Kate Middleton signed the wedding certificate and prayed in the grave of the King Edward the confessor,, behind the Altar of Westminsnter Abbey. There, Prince William looks really wanted to look after the his marriage with Kate Middleton. At least, he wanted to take the spiritual of the wedding eternity just the way the Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip which also held the wedding on the Westminster Abbey in 1947.
Posted by : M. Haidir Calvinandra (F12109002)