Rabu, 06 April 2011

The leak of National Examination answers


Related to the circulation of news about the leak of the National Exam key answers 2011 in East Java, the Vice Minister of National Education Fasli Jalal said that the Ministry of National Education has not been verified. Fasli claimed  have not received yet a report the news about it. 

The news previously, it was rumored that the answer to question of UN 2011 have leaked in East Java. The perpetrators who are not responsible for this, has served and sell it by at a price of Rp 13 million. Rates are valid for an answer key package with guaranteed 100 percent correct.

if this event happens again such as examination test before, it can be proven that the National Examination agency in monitoring is not be done well. this news always heard when the National exam will be held. many perpetrators give the serve for students who are afraid to fail in their examination and unfortunately many students who do not have self confidence to their selves want to buy the answer keys.

whereas the answer key can not be proven whether that is right or not, but the students believe that it will help them to pass the examination, it is miserable for the next generation who will build the city for the future...they who do not study or lazy consider that is very helpful.

in this case we conclude that the National examination is appropriate or not to do. considering to many manipulation in this test will make the test innocence for developing education in Indonesia.(FAHMI)

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